I am currently devising a parent workshop series for the Parent Association at my school for grades 4-12. After conducting two well-attended parent events on “How to answer questions about sexuality” I’ve convinced the administration and the community that this work is relevant!
Unafraid to admit it, I’m passionate about sex so I acted on it like the average 17-year-old in the U.S…by being a peer educator in high school. After college, I moved to Hawai`i and became a middle school math teacher while obtaining my Master’s in Education. After witnessing the health disparity amongst my students and how it impacted their learning, I landed on the island of Manhattan to get my Master’s in Public Health from Columbia. For my research. I went to the Philippines to evaluate the country’s first sex ed curriculum and became involved with The Vagina Monologues. Basically, my Filipino-Catholic childhood and 9 years of nuns in grade school led me to moan publicly on a New York City stage. Now, I am The Dalton School’s Health Coordinator for grades 4-12 teaching health classes covering it all from puberty to pornography while organizing sex-positive programs for the school community.

Check out all that the 2013 National Sex Ed Conference had to offer and stay informed about the 2014 National Sex Ed Conference: