Sex Ed in the News

Sex Ed in the News

Public Schools in Millard, Nebraska Stick to Pro-Abstinence Education

After topics such as gender identity were added to Omaha Public Schools’ new curriculum, leading to heated debate, Millard Public Schools has reaffirmed its commitment to teaching a pro-abstinence curriculum, a policy that has been in place since 1992. Future curriculum updates will only be approved after the public has had a chance to review possible materials during regular community nights.

UK Government Leaves Sex Ed in the Hands of Schools

Members of Parliament (MPs) in the UK recently published a report on the dismaying levels of sexual violence in schools across the country, calling for the government to impose rules that require schools to tackle the problem. But government officials have just released a response advocating for a “holistic school-based” approach, wherein the government would support schools as they “produce their own new codes of practice.” MPs are not pleased.

 After-School Program Offers Alternative Sex Ed

In Missoula, Montana, the YMCA is offering a once-a-week, after-school program that will act as an alternative to in-school sex ed for middle schoolers. The program was adapted from Our Whole Lives (OWL), a holistic sexuality education program.