Sex Ed in the News

New Sex Ed Curriculum Struck Down in California School District After Parent Uproar

We’ve mentioned previously the difficulty in ensuring compliance with California’s Healthy Youth Act in every district across the state. Perfectly illustrating this difficulty is a story out of the Cupertino Union School District. The district has been attempting to vet new curricula, especially after receiving a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) about their current curriculum’s inadequacy. Unfortunately, parent uproar has stalled the process of adopting a new curriculum and, as of now, they remain in a holding pattern.

Parents in Nevada Object to “Opt Out” Bill

In Nevada, Assembly Bill 348 is facing opposition to a clause that would change the present sex ed opt-in policy to opt out. “It is the parent’s right to decide and tell their child about sex education,” Juanita Clark, a Clark County resident, said at an Assembly Education Committee meeting. “Please vote ‘no,’ — the will of the people — on AB348.” Other parts of the bill are coming under fire as well.

Abstinence-Focused Sex Ed Programs See Jump in Federal Funding

In a shift that many have been anticipating, federal funding for sex ed has been bouncing back toward abstinence-focused curricula. Bloomberg reports that U.S. funds for abstinence-only sex ed jumped 55 percent in fiscal year 2016, and could grow further under the Republican-controlled Congress.

Planned Parenthood Releases Videos About STIs and Safer Sex

Planned Parenthood has partnered with the Get Yourself Tested (GYT) campaign, releasing a series of videos that educate viewers about STIs and safer sex in a way that feels authentic, rather than cheesy. The GYT campaign is a social movement created to encourage young people to get tested and treated for STIs and HIV.