National Sex Ed Conference Workshops

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Friends, I am so excited. I’ve spent the last week or so reading and re-reading the workshop proposals for the 2015 National Sex Ed Conference – and they are across the board fantastic!

A few things I want to speak to about my work on the conference planning team this week:

The workshops are going to be stellar.

I have a secret list of workshops that I’m hoping to line up so that they don’t compete with each other in time slots. It’s one of the little benefits of being the chair of the conference. Except that there are more workshops on my list than there are time slots in which to put workshops. This means I will be guaranteed not to be able to attend all of them on my MUST ATTEND list. It’s a good problem to have.

This is the 30th annual conference!

Yep, that’s right, 30th. Annual. Conference. The Center for Sex Education (formerly the Center for Family Life Education) has been bringing sexuality educators together to learn, collaborate, and network for thirty years. This is a legacy that grows stronger, more cohesive, and more powerful every year.

The people I work with are amazing.

The associate chairs for this year’s conference (Jennifer A. Hart, MPH and Lorena Olvera-Moreno) are thoughtful and dedicated. The staff at the CSE (Jeffrey Anthony, Kiara Butler, and Bill Taverner, MA, CSE) are insightful and deeply engaged. Our meeting (the five of them in person – me via Skype) lasted for 15 hours over two days. I can’t imagine a more joyful group to have done this with.

We will be sending out announcements to the workshop proposers on Friday.



We hope to see you there! Early bird registration ends September 30th, so register now!