Thrive St. Louis Program Continues Draw Fire from Locals
Throughout the past year, we’ve shared stories out of St. Louis about push-back against the abstinence-focused Thrive program. The controversy continues with the circulation of a petition asking Lindbergh Schools’ Board of Education to remove the program from the district and replace it with a more comprehensive program. The petition has been signed by 540 district residents. Lindbergh Schools is currently in the process of reviewing the district’s health curriculum, including the sex education program.
Middle Schools in Cumberland County, NC Temporarily Remove Sex Ed
In Cumberland County, North Carolina, sex ed is being taken out of the middle school curriculum for the next 30 days. The district initially started a sex education program for middle schoolers to reduce rates of teen pregnancies, but parents’ concerns have forced school officials to rethink their approach.
Belgian Sex Ed Website Causes Uproar After Being Recommended to 7-Year-Olds
A Belgian sex ed site has come under fire after some schools recommended it as a resource to children as young as 7. The site, called “Alles over seks” (“Everything about sex”), was created by a sexual health center, and was intended for those 15 and up. Content on the site describes and illustrates various aspects of sex, including birth control, STDs, sexual positions, and sex toys.
Alternative Catholic Sex Ed Curriculum Rejected by Ministry of Education
Back in January 2017, the Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta (CCSSA) sent Alberta’s ministry of education a letter including a conditional grant proposal for the development of a Catholic human sexuality wellness curriculum. They presented their proposal as an alternative to a curriculum they saw as “problematic” to their faith, due to the inclusion of topics such as consent, reproductive technologies, contraceptives, gender identity, and same-sex relationships. The education minister recently rejected the proposed curriculum.