N.H. Bill Would Require Schools To Give Parents Notice Before Teaching Sex Ed
In New Hampshire, a bill that’s on the table would require schools to give parents two weeks’ notice before teaching sex ed or human sexuality. Backers of the bill, which has passed the Legislature, say it would let parents ensure their children are learning appropriate material, while detractors say it could create hurdles to providing essential sex ed.
Investigation Prompted By Sex Ed Video, Which Compared Abortion to the Holocaust
In Alberta, Canada, sexual health advocates are calling for an investigation into the sex ed curriculum after a video comparing abortion to the Holocaust was shown in a Red Deer Catholic school. The video was screened during a tenth grade religion class at École Secondaire Notre Dame in March, during a presentation by the group Red Deer and Area Pro Life.
Ontario Considers Sexual Assault Education for Judges
Two bills have been introduced in Ontario, Canada, that would promote further sexual assault education for judges. Either one would require that anyone who wanted to be considered for a federal judicial appointment would have to undergo comprehensive training in sexual assault law.