Vatican Releases Controversial Sex Education Program
The Vatican has released a sex education program—”The Meeting Point: Course of Affective Sexual Education for Young People”—that has many up in arms. Life Site, a news site that align itself with “traditional Judeo-Christian principles,” lays out what they see as its positive and negative attributes.
Restrictive Alaska Bill Finally Takes Effect Without Governer’s Signature
A restrictive piece of legislation, which we’ve been tracking here on the blog, has finally taken effect. The bill, which limits who can teach sex education in Alaska public schools, has become law without Gov. Bill Walker’s signature. When faced with the decision to sign the bill, veto it, or let it take effect without his signature, he chose the last option.
People in Panama Advocate for More Sex Ed
A proposal for Law 61, which would mandate sex education in Panamanian classrooms, was sent back from legislature to committee after being stripped of references to guidebooks created by the United Nations Population Fund. Panamanians have since taken to the streets in support of the bill, eager to fight back in the face of a growing sexual health crisis that includes a large percentage of unplanned pregnancies and HIV infection rates.