I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for games. I’m blowing through the lessons in Game On! faster than any other manual, and I’ve decided I have to pace myself a little tiny bit. But…this game is from Teaching Safer Sex! So I’ve decided it doesn’t really count, even though it’s also included in Game On!
By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:
- Name three examples of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
- List two ways that STIs can be transmitted.
- Correctly name two prevention techniques people can use to eliminate or reduce their risk of contracting or spreading an STI.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, each year 9.1 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections occur among young people aged 15-24. This represents almost half of the nearly 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections. Young people need opportunities to learn and communicate about sexually transmitted infections. STI Bingo is a game that allows youth to apply important information about sexually transmitted infections including modes of transmission, types of STIs and relevant prevention techniques.
Now let’s start with acknowledging how much fun it is to yell “BINGO!!”
Go ahead, take a second and yell it out. I’ll wait.
I’m not sure you really yelled it. But if you did, I am certain that your day is a little better for it.
And your students’ days will be better for it too!
The lesson plan includes directions for making STI bingo boards, questions and answers (to put into the bingo board boxes), and how to lead your students through the activity. But the best part of it, and let me be clear so that there is no mistake here, will be your participants getting excited to yell out words like herpes, outbreak, and condom.