Sex Ed Week in Review: Cooper, Coin, and Comics

Robert E. CooperAttorney General Nashville, TN: The Tennessee Attorney General Office decided that state and county public health workers are exempt from a law enacted in 2012 that allows parents to sue teachers and workers for discussing family life matters that could be (mis)construed as “gateway sexual activities.” These activities include everything from touching thighs, breasts,… Read more »

Sex Educator of the Week: Brandy Barnett, MS

Training & Technical Assistance Coordinator Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential What project in sex ed are you currently working on? Brandy coordinates GCAPP’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month activities which include a statewide adolescent essay contest and parent webinars.  She trains and provides TA to Personal Responsibility Education Program (GAPREP) grantees and Working to… Read more »

Why I Teach Sex Ed: For “Christopher”

Why I Teach Sex Ed: For “Christopher” by Lindsay Fram, MPH Senior Family Life & Sexuality Education InstructorCarrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program Bronx, NY Twelve years ago I stood monitoring a line of 23 kindergartners on their first day of school. They waited patiently to use the bathroom, two at a time. Two girls. Two… Read more »