Campus Organization Fills in Sex Ed Gap
At Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), campus organization Voices of Choice (a reproductive health advocacy organization) is stepping up to provide sex ed in a community that currently only offers an abstinence-only curriculum. In the coming year, they will provide free condoms, host educational sessions, and more.
Virginia Edges Closer to Mandating Consent Education in High School
Representatives in Virginia have proposed a bill that would mandate consent education for all high schoolers. The bill has already passed in both the House and the Senate. Now, it just awaits approval from the state’s governor.
‘No Promo Homo’ Law on Its Way to Being Repealed
Just last week, we reported that a Utah senator was sponsoring a bill that would strike a homosexuality provision from state law. Earlier this week, a Senate panel voted unanimously to strike the language from that provision from state code. The bill is now being transferred to the full Senate for consideration.