Sex Ed in the News

Sex Ed in the News

 New Report Claims British Sex Ed Unfit for New Generation

According to a new report, sex education in British schools is “unfit” for the “smartphone generation.” The report goes on to claim that 95 percent of pupils are not being taught about LGBT relationships, and one in seven pupils receives no sex ed classes at all. The conclusion is that if sex education is left in its current state, it will leave young people open to “abuse, bullying, and poor mental and sexual health.”

California Pastor Resigns from School Board Over Homosexual Sex Ed

A pastor in Southern California resigned from the high school board after the passing of a mandate that requires homosexual safe-sex education in public schools, lessons on how to get an abortion, and the normalizing of gender fluidity.

Hospitals in New York City Launch Emoji-Based Sex Ed Initiative

New York City Health and Hospitals is launching an emoji campaign intended to educate teens on sexual and reproductive health. The emoji will display as ad-like images in teenagers’ Facebook feeds, and will include birds and bees, as well as an eggplant. Under the images, a tagline will appear: “Need to talk to someone about ‘it’?” Teens can then click on a Learn More button.

Report from American Academy of Pediatrics Denounces Abstinence-Only Education

The American Academy of Pediatrics released a report containing a call for doctors to use their time with patients to combat the potential health consequences of abstinence-centric sex education.