Sex Ed in the News

Sex Ed in the News

As U.S. Sex Ed Programs Remain Bifurcated, New Sources of Info Emerge

Australian Government Pulls Funding from Youth-Led Sex Ed Program

The Australian government is pulling all funding from YEAH ((Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS), a program that uses youth educators to deliver sex education in schools and universities. After June 30, YEAH will be replaced with with an online resource.

Since Passing of California Healthy Youth Act, Curricula Make Their Way Through Local School Districts

Sex education curricula that support California’s new law mandating comprehensive sexuality education and affirmative consent education for high schoolers are making their way through various school boards for review. Later this week, one such curriculum will go before Fairfield-Suisun School District trustees.

New Source of Sex Education: Our Underwear

Last week, we explored where teens may be going to find information about sex in instances when they find formal sex ed lacking. In an interesting turn of events, a new source has presented itself. New underwear line Oddo is including a manual on sexual health and self-care with all its orders.