Creatively Creating Contraception

I so thoroughly enjoyed yesterday’s discussion of story writing as a component of sexuality education that I wanted to continue the theme of creativity and imagination today.
Positive Imagesseems to be the manual for me this week, because in addition to yesterday’s lesson, it also includes this!
By Melissa Keyes DiGioia and Allyson Sandak
By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:
1. Name at least three methods of birth control by participating in a large group brainstorm activity.

2. Categorize a list of methods as being either hormonal or barrier by participating in a large group discussion.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of birth control function, correct use, effectiveness, side effects, advantages and disadvantages by developing one magical method of birth control in small groups.

Young adults often have questions about birth control methods – how they should be used, how they work to prevent pregnancy, and their possible side effects. Coincidentally, factors that may influence one’s decision in choosing a contraception option include the advantages and disadvantages for use, side effects, effectiveness, and one’s ability to use the method. Providing youth with opportunities to better understand contraceptive options is essential for individuals to make decisions about contraceptive use. High school-aged and middle school-aged youth vary in their ability to hypothetically conceptualize a method’s correct use and efficacy in preventing pregnancy. Activities that allow youth to consider possibilities and generate hypothesis are helpful in their ongoing cognitive development.
Pop culture has seen an influx of magical themes in contemporary fiction, games and movies. This lesson builds on this growing genre of magical themes with participants creating fictional magical methods of birth control similar to traditional non-magical methods. As participants invent their magical methods of birth control, they will consider how current real birth control methods assist in preventing pregnancy – enhancing their own understanding of current contraceptive options.
So what’s my magical form of birth control? Well, the creative corner of my brain being what it is, I immediately ran through a series of somewhat creepy to super creepy ideas (teeny tiny vagina dwelling dragon anyone?). So I went back to the lesson plan to see the guidelines that are included for guiding students away from the truly creepy, and lo and behold! A list of types of magical contraceptives:
  • Plants
  • Potions
  • Metamorphosis
  • Magical defense
  • Spells
So armed with these fantastic guidelines, dramatically narrowing down my tendency towards the creepy, and I want to use magical defense to create a little, teeny tiny force field made of spermicide to span the cervix. It could be put in place and removed at will and would kill all sperm that came into contact with it.

The educational opportunities to draw connecting lines between the ways that magical contraceptives work and the ways that real contraceptives work (mine is a barrier method like a diaphragm) are immense. I can’t wait to try this activity out in the classroom!